*Illustrative picture

TP submersible

Type: Vertical shaft submersible pumps for wet wells

General applications:

    Pumping of residual liquids with or without suspended solids, ETA, ETE, sewage, drainage lifts, slurry, lowering of water table, turbid, rain and river water.

Click on the magnifying glass to filter the fields in the table below to search for a specific model.

Details Detail
Model Door Design
CV hp
Internship stg
Diameter Ø (mm)
Solid. (Mm)
Rotation (rpm)
Gauge (in) Size (in)
single phase Single Phase (V)
Three Phase Three Phase (V)
Shop Seller Share Share
CURVES TP50V24-65-50 2,0cv/1/112mm/3500rpm 2,0 1 112 50 3500 2 1 / 2 " - 220/380 Where to buy
CURVES TP53M54H-75-50 4,6cv/1/124mm/3500rpm 4,6 1 124 50 3500 3" - 220/380 Where to buy
CURVES TP50M35-65-50 3,0cv/1/161mm/1750rpm 3,0 1 161 50 1750 2 1 / 2 " - 220/380 Where to buy
CURVES TP70M20-75-70 1,5cv/1/142mm/1750rpm 1,5 1 142 70 1750 3" - 220/380 Where to buy